Fall Stewardship Campaign


Anybody else have this experience?

You’re sitting in math class. The teacher is droning on. You think to yourself, “Why do I have to learn this stuff? Am I ever going to use it?” Then years later, you find yourself calculating how much paint you need for your bedroom, and you wonder, “Why didn’t I listen more closely in math?!”

Sometimes the life of faith is a little like math. At times you go through the motions, not really
understanding why you’re doing what you’re doing. And then life hits. All of a sudden, faith and
spirituality really matter.

We hear stories like this. People are looking for a supportive faith community because ‘life happened.’ Maybe a relationship is falling apart. Maybe a parent passed away. Maybe their child came out as gay. Maybe a mental or medical diagnosis was made in their family.

In these moments, people still turn to a church, striving to make sense and solve the problems of life. They yearn to feel God’s presence, understand their value, and to be told, “you are a miracle of God’s grace.” They desire to know they measure up through acceptance and affirmation, even though they may have felt judgement and shame from a church in the past. Maybe you’ve been away from church for a while and wondered, “Is it time to go back?” The answer to that equation is YES!

Rather than the wrath of God, here at The Grove, we embrace the math of God. Worship this fall will focus on what makes a church like The Grove different. You see, in God’s math, something perceived to have little value has much value. In God’s math, becoming great means becoming less. In God’s math, there is always more than enough.

Also this fall is the annual operating stewardship campaign when we ask you to prayerfully
consider the important work The Grove is doing in our community and how it’s impacted your
own life. In God’s math, the whole is greater than just the sum of its parts-we know we can do
greater things when we all do our part. (Be looking for information about giving coming soon.)

While we won’t be dusting off our protractors or breaking out the graph paper, we will be plotting a direction ahead as we live into God’s abundance.