Grove Kids

a safe, nurturing environment where every child knows how much God loves them.



First Things

At The Grove, kids are highly valued members of the church. We love it when kids are a part of our worship gatherings. We believe it is important for our kids to have opportunities to watch and learn from adults during worship as they develop their own faith. We also know that adults learn a lot about following Jesus through the way our kids live and see the world.

During church, children are welcome to play in the nursery (ages 6 weeks – 3 years) for the full service or attend Grove Kids (ages 4 – 5th grade) when dismissed during the worship gathering. These programs are optional and kids of all ages are always welcome to stay in the Worship Center throughout the worship gathering.

During worship gatherings, kids are welcome to sit near you in the pews or play in our quiet wiggle space. We have worked hard to find fun, engaging (and quiet) toys and activities to allow your child to move and play while still engaging in our worship gathering. Pews are placed near the kids play area so parents and caregivers can sit close by to offer supervision and support for their child as necessary. Your child can also engage in coloring activities with the crayons and clipboards found in the pews. During songs, your kids can move and dance. They can also stand on the pews to get a better look. Kids are always welcome to take part in communion with us.


Nursery Care (6 weeks – 3 years)

Nursery care is provided by a caregiver during our Sunday morning worship gathering. In the nursery, your child is welcome to play, read books, or color. If you choose to use this service, you can drop your child off in the nursery before entering the Worship Center or anytime during the service. On your child’s first visit to the nursery, you will be asked to complete a short registration form. Each time you check your child in, you will need to sign the sign-in sheet, create a name tag, and be assigned a pager in case you need to be reached during the service. 

NOTE: No diaper changes will take place during the nursery time. If your child is in need of a diaper change, you will be paged.


Grove Kids (Ages 4 – 5th Grade)

Kids will be taking part in a play-based curriculum this year. Kids engage in a biblical story by hearing and responding to stories told with props, symbols, pictures, and toys. Then after each story, kids participate in play and art stations where they express what they heard and saw. Kids in 4th and 5th grades are invited to help with the storytelling and guiding younger children through the process.

On your child’s first visit to Grove Kids, you will be asked to complete a short registration form. Each week, your child(ren) will start in the Worship Center with you for worship time and then be dismissed before the message. Make sure your child has a name tag before they are dismissed to Grove Kids. Near the end of the services, the children will transition back into the worship center to their families.



Fridays at 10am

Preschool Playtime is a FREE sensory-based playtime for the young children of all ages in your life. You can expect stories, crafts, and activities — and free coffee for parents.