by Debbie Wong
God of all creation, unbound by space and time, we confess our weariness as we log on once more, in search of a holy connection.
Though we would not choose to meet this way,
we hold to the promise that you choose always to meet us where we are.
When we feel the inadequacy of digital presence, remind us that you, O Lord, are fully present, even here.
When we feel the strain of needing to perform who we are, when we are seen but not known,
remind us that you, O Lord, know us completely.
When we are tempted to trust the illusion of the screen and flatten others in dismissal,
remind us that behind each square sits a living, breathing child of God, behind each comment, a person in need of your love.
When we fail to engage others well, show us your grace.
When others fail to engage us well, may we show your grace.
When it feels as though even our prayers are spoken into a void, speak to us your words of life, which never return empty.
When we come to the edge of our limits, surprise us again with the fullness of your life–
a life that lives in and flows through each of us, unhindered by blurry pixels and distorted sound.
Lord Jesus Christ, image of the invisible God, give us faith to see your substance in the virtual.
O Christ, in whom all things hold together,
hold us together even in this time of physical separation.
By your Spirit, make us one, as your Spirit has always done,
that in the endless bluish glow that illumines our days and nights, we might be able still to see your endless light.