Two Services
9:30 & 11am :: beginning december 8
Have you heard the news? We’re launching a new service on Sunday, December 8! Here’s what you need to know:
Why are we adding a second service?
The Grove exists to grow goodness in ourselves and in our world, and we want to expand our circle to include even more people. In our first three years, we have experienced tremendous growth at a time when most churches are in steep decline and nurtured a profound sense of community in the midst of an epidemic of loneliness. Even so, a change needs to happen. Our increased weekly attendance means we are running out of space for the people we already have, not to mention making space for the people arriving next. Adding a second service creates more space, provides options for the people we’ve been missing, and — most importantly — allows us to continue to grow goodness.
What time will the two services be at and why?
Beginning December 8, our worship gatherings will be at 9:30am and 11am. These times are a minimal shift from our current worship time to our earliest option, allows ample time for the band to rehearse prior to the first service, and creates 30 minutes for mingling between services.
What will be different between the two services?
Almost nothing! Our intention is for both worship gatherings to be functionally identical with the same music, same sermon, and full Grove Kids programming. The only notable difference is that one of the services will not be live-streamed.
At what service will there be Grove Kids programming?
Both! We’re proud of being a truly multigenerational church and do not want only families with young children to choose one service over another just because of programming for kids. We also want both gatherings to be as equal as possible for anyone new to The Grove.
Will adding a second service change our culture?
Yes and no. At one time, a person could know everyone at The Grove. That’s no longer the case and will especially not be true as we continue to grow and now add a second service. Even so, fostering meaningful relationships remains one of our priorities and we’ll continue offering opportunities that do so. This includes Connection Point during the service, [30 minutes] between services, special events, and Grove Groups.
Does it matter what service I choose to attend?
No! We hope you and your household consider both services as legitimate options for worship on any given Sunday. We plan, however, to survey our partners to see which service they plan to attend most often so we can plan accordingly.
What is most needed to make adding a second service a success?
Starting a new service requires an all-hands-on-deck effort. The three biggest things we’ll need in the early days are volunteers, critical mass, and personal invitation.
Two services require double the number of volunteers in Grove Kids, nursery, hospitality, worship tech, and the band. If you don’t yet have a role on one of those teams, consider whether you are able to help as little as once every six weeks.
Critical mass — the number of people necessary for a space to feel somewhat full and energetic — is also important. During the first eight weeks after starting our second service, we ask you to commit to attending worship as often as possible to help create the best environment possible for everyone in the room at both 9:30 and 11am.
Success will also require a willingness to invite people to join you for worship. No amount of paid promotions are as effective as personal invitations. Our two service schedule will also begin in the weeks leading up to Christmas, a season when people who do not have a church home are traditionally most open to an invitation from friends and family. Who do you know who would benefit from The Grove and The Grove would benefit from?
What if adding a second service doesn’t work?
Given our strategic planning and overall success as a new church, we are confident that a second service will be successful — AND the reality is that most churches that start a new service end up retracting that service at some point. We are committed to a second service as a short-term experiment, giving it ample time to grow and develop with a reevaluation scheduled to happen in May. In the meantime, we will continue to do all we can as individuals and a church to grow goodness and expand our circle of inclusion across two worship services, learning what we can and failing forward where we must.
Ready to join us?
Catch up on previous sermons or full worship services.
We want to see you — and lots of other people — out in the pews for one (or more) of our worship gatherings. Pick a date. Make a plan. Then show up with your whole self. Better yet, become a partner!
invite your friends!
Who do you know who could benefit from being a part of The Grove – Cottage Grove? Who could we benefit from joining us? Tell them as much and drag them with you!
This new church needs prayer. Commit to receiving regular updates on what we’re up to in and around Cottage Grove as we work hard to create a compelling new worshipping community.
Giving to The Grove – Cottage Grove directly supports our work to grow goodness in our community — introducing people to a way of following Jesus that is vibrant, life-altering, and world-transforming.